Santa’s Village

As a member of the Pāhoa High & Inter School Community Council, our office helped organize a Cruise Thru Santa's Village. In addition to giving out candy canes and seeds from Home Depot (mahalo Smiley Burrows!!), we worked with Mainstreet Pāhoa to secure donations to purchase 1,000+ rotisserie chickens to give away. Special thanks to Hawai‘i Police Department and PHIS students for hosting two dozen pop-ups, Hawai'i Foodservice Alliance for donating transportation of chickens, and Hawai‘i Fire Department Station 10 (Pāhoa) for assisting with distribution! More than 600 families cruised through to experience holiday joy!

Feed the People Holiday Edition

Our office partnered with amazing community organizations to bring a special holiday edition of #FeedThePeople to Pāhoa! Over 1,100 meal bags filled with delicious food – rotisserie chicken, frozen palai from ʻUlu Coop, and King’s Hawaiian rolls – were distributed to Puna families. To keiki’s delight, we included hot cocoa and candy canes.

A huge mahalo nui loa to our sponsors: Ormat and Pāhoa Lava Zone Museum, whose generosity made this event possible. We’re also grateful to the Hawaiʻi Foodservice Alliance for their help transporting the food and securing the bread roll donation. A special shout-out to our incredible volunteers who gave up their Saturday to spread aloha during the 2023 holiday season.


Economic Development Strategies