Revitalize Pohoiki

Revitalize Pohoiki is a plan to restore Isaac Kepo’okalani Hale Beach Park and steward the greater Pohoiki region. This plan has been developed by the County with guidance and mana’o from Pohoiki area ‘ohana, Puna residents, and the community-at-large.

This initiative presented an opportunity to invest in assets and opportunities that bring residents together, while protecting natural resources and culturally significant areas so that future generations may experience this precious space.

To inform how eruption recovery dollars from FEMA would be used, and to plan for long-term stewardship of the Pohoiki area, the County initiated the Revitalize Pohoiki community planning effort. ‘Ohana from Pohoiki were engaged first to establish priorities and principles to guide the process – from planning and design to implementation. Puna residents and the community-at-large were provided opportunities to share feedback and insights through a series of in-person and virtual convenings.

Through Revitalize Pohoiki emerged stewardship strategies including community-based monitoring, community learning, and partnerships, as well as future investments beyond disaster recovery monies.

Click here to review the Revitalize Pohoiki Collective Action Plan.


Puna Food Summit


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